Anssi Rantanen
Marknadsföreningen Sverige | Blogginlägg, Fördjupning och tips

”It is a recipe for catastrophe if we don’t continue learning and have a mindset for learning”

– Vi möter Anssi Rantanen, som gästar oss vid vårt frukostseminarium i april

Onsdagen 19 april får vi besök av en riktigt spännande internationell talare & vinnare av Nordic Business Forums talartävling 2019. Anssi Rantanen gästar oss vid en frukost i SWING By Golfbarens härliga lokaler supercentralt vid Sveavägen/Odengatan. Inför eventet, där vi hoppas och tror på många vassa spaningar kring hur de snabbast växande bolagen i världen systematiserar sin tillväxt, passar vi på att lära känna honom lite bättre.

Glöm inte anmäla dig till eventet, som kommer att genomföras på engelska.

Why is having a Growth Mindset so important?

– If anybody has the will or want to become better and to adapt to our changing world, the fundamental building block to success is to have a growth mindset. If you have the will to become better and not be static, growth mindset is the key. No matter if the goal is to become a better marketer, husband, athlete or whatever. It is a recipe for catastrophe if we don’t continue learning and have a mindset for learning.

What are you looking forward to the most during the event with Marknadsföreningen Stockholm?

– It’s always great to get together, especially after covid, to meet face to face. I’m hoping for good questions and discussions. That’s how I nurture my own thinking and development; by being challenged.

In challenging times, it’s a mistake for companies to cut the marketing budget

What’s in the pipeline for you in the near future?

– I just moved to Stockholm about a month ago with my wife and our dog Maki. The reason we moved here is because I am opening the Swedish office for My Speaker Growth, where I am the founder and chairman. Other than that, I will continue to talk at events, workshops and to work with various companies. The big overall theme for me now is to get to know the Swedish company culture and learn how Swedish companies work with leadership and teambuilding.

We have recently launched this years theme for ”CMO of the year” – Marketing Revival: Time to Shine*. What comes to mind for you regarding the theme?

– Value and appreciation towards marketing have been growing through the last decade. Marketing is now a growth driver – it’s seen as more of an investment rather than a cost. In challenging times, it’s a mistake for companies to cut the marketing budget. It’s instead an opportunity for marketing teams to become data driven and show the value of how they are driving growth and results. A data driven mindset can also be applied to creative marketing, since many tools these days to allow companies to make more of an impact.

Time to shine – It’s a good way to see these times as an opportunity to educate and show leadership in teams and in how marketing can have a great impact on growth, revenue and loyalty.


* Allt om eventet, tävlingen och temat för Årets Marknadschef 2023 >>

Get to know our speaker – who is Anssi?

  • Finnish growth expert, who has worked with over 100 companies with growth and experimentation.
  • Anssi’s passion is to understand and explore what the best companies/teams in the world do differently.
  • Love to learn new things. Loves his wife and their Dachshund called Maki, and reading.
  • Reads 60-70 books per year. Favourite book? Ryan Holiday – ”The obstacle is the way”.
  • He is also in training for a marathon.
Anssi Rantanen
Anssi Rantanen